School Improvement
Developing your school vision
Leadership and strategic development
SEND setting audit
Focus groups e.g. wellbeing
Managing SEMH demand across your school
Schools shape the lives and futures of the next generation. They need a vision that is clearly communicated and understood by all as well as being aligned with the local context. As a former senior leader and current Chair of Governors, I know that this is crucial to get right from the beginning and for staff, students and the community to be on board.
Using a coaching approach, I work with school leaders to help develop a shared vision which is tailored to your school and the community you serve. I also work with leaders and other school staff through in-house working to support the implementation of this vision over a period of time. Change can bring uncertainty and resistance - again, using a coaching approach, I work with focus groups of staff to understand and unpick their concerns in a confidential space working towards solutions for moving forward.
As a specialist in SEND, I also work with SENCOs to complete an audit of your provision, identifying areas of success and priorities for development, as ever using a coaching approach to make this a non-judgemental and positive process. Training around the laws surrounding funding and a review of your school SEND funding can also be provided.
One size does not fit all!